The Social Justice Vision at Stephen S. Wise Temple

Our congregation will see Social Justice as a calling that derives from our sense of God and the imperative of Jewish Tradition. The Stephen S. Wise Temple community will use our influence, power and compassion to be a force for positive, meaningful and effective change in the quality of life on behalf of all the citizens of Los Angeles and the world.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Don't Hold Us Back!

A coalition of civil rights, parent and community organizations will demand that UTLA and LAUSD negotiate a new contract within 30 days at the School Board meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 18th


For too long, the community has waited for LAUSD and UTLA to negotiate a new contract that puts the needs of students first. Our children cannot wait any longer. The district and union must embrace policy changes that empower principals and teachers to improve education for students in their schools; ensure teachers are evaluated fairly; and allow teachers to be paid based on their actual performance. Parents’ right to choose the best school for their children must be protected. Failed policies like the “must-hire” list should be replaced. Every child deserves a quality public school education! Teachers want it, students deserve it, and parents expect it.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

High Holy Days, 5772 (2011) The Money Culture and Finding the Soul of Money

 Rabbi Stern's High Holy Day Sermon Video

The video above is one version of the sermon as presented, the version that you heard might have been slightly different.  Feel free to respond to what you heard or the version above.  Additionally, a text version is available here

Here are guidelines for comment submission.  All comments will be monitored before publication on this web page.
  • This dialogue, above all, should be respectful and courteous, though a healthy debate and dialogue about the ideas is encouraged.  
  • Rabbi Stern will not respond unless specifically asked by a comment to do so.  This is the time for the listeners of the sermon to speak. 
  • All comments must have respondent's first name and last initial in order to be published. This will encourage respectful dialogue and productive conversation.
  • If comments are deemed by the moderator to be unproductive to thoughtful conversation, the submitter will be asked to resubmit a more appropriate version.  If you do not see your comment posted it is likely that it was delayed for this reason. Please email for feedback about your submission.  
The phrase "The Soul of Money" is inspired by a book by the same name: The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist and Teresa Barker (Oct 17, 2006).  There is also a Soul of Money Institute learn more here

 You may submit your comments and responses to the sermon by clicking the send comment icon below. REMEMBER: You must type your first name and last initial before submitting your comment as the last line of your text.