The Social Justice Vision at Stephen S. Wise Temple

Our congregation will see Social Justice as a calling that derives from our sense of God and the imperative of Jewish Tradition. The Stephen S. Wise Temple community will use our influence, power and compassion to be a force for positive, meaningful and effective change in the quality of life on behalf of all the citizens of Los Angeles and the world.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Social Justice Networks Now Forming!

Community Organizing for Social Justice depends on interest, opportunity and potential. As our house meetings continue, we are discovering that there is interest and potential for us to start working on a number of areas:

Housing Action Network

LA Voice is involved in an affordable housing action and many on our leadership team are connected to the real estate industry. Our Housing Action Network is involving real estate professionals with those in Los Angeles looking to increase the pool of affordable housing. Often on opposite sides of the issue, if we develop a dialogue between developers and community advocates for housing focused on cooperative problem solving the potentials are endless. Through our involvement with LA Voice we are presented with a unique opportunity. Imagine if solutions satisfactory to both sides can be developed! What an opportunity! The first meeting of the Housing Action Network and the LA Voice professionals happens this Friday, January 30th. More details to follow.

Community Support Network
Throught the efforts of Temple member Dr. Susan Donner and the project coordinator from LA Voice we are developing a parenting program for parents of young adolescents. Together with Counseling interns and professionals from the Stephen S. Wise Community (some of them Spanish speakers!) we'll develop a program to teach and strengthen parenting strategies for adolescents. This was something requested by the residents of Ramona Gardens (an area of Boyle Heights) at their latest meeting with the LA Voice rep and Susan Donner. As things develop there is potential to include Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters to help train student and young adult mentors to guide the young people in Boyle Heights.

It is exciting to see how our efforts are begining to take wing after only five months of organizing and house meetings that have involved about 100 people!

Interested in joining a network? Send an email to Rabbi Stern.

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