The Social Justice Vision at Stephen S. Wise Temple

Our congregation will see Social Justice as a calling that derives from our sense of God and the imperative of Jewish Tradition. The Stephen S. Wise Temple community will use our influence, power and compassion to be a force for positive, meaningful and effective change in the quality of life on behalf of all the citizens of Los Angeles and the world.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Why we, as Jews, support humane immigration reform

An open letter to President Obama and our Senators and Representatives in Congress:

We Jews are children of the Exodus. In ancient times, our community was forged in response to the memory of brutality in the land of Egypt and the march to a better world. More recently, American Jews share a history of leaving an Old World of hardship and prejudice for a land of hope and opportunity. . . .  (Read and sign the letter by clicking here.)

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